Take the Initiative in your own home and protect yourself and others from being exposed to poisons by learning what a poison is, who is at risk, and how to prevent a poisoning from happening.
Help prevent poisonings:
To correctly dispose of expired medications make sure to bring them to a drop-off box. There are currently fifteen locations for Ocean County residents to dispose of their unused or expired medications. The drop boxes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For locations and more information visit (https://www.ochd.org/Resources/Page/54 )
If there is an accident and someone in the home is exposed to poisons follow these few initial steps:
Immediate Answers
Been Exposed? Speak to a live health expert:
1. Call 1-800-222-1222
2. Explain your situation or symptoms
3. Have the name of the product and container ready or the name of the suspected source of exposure
4. Don’t rely on the Internet
PHU2 wants you to take the initiative and be more informed about poisons and be prepared for exposure. Check your home today to see if your household cleaners are stored out of reach of children. Go through your medicine cabinet to confirm that any expired medications are identified and take the right steps to dispose of them. For more information you can visit https://poisonhelp.hrsa.gov/index.html
(2011, October 17). Retrieved March 23, 2018, from https://poisonhelp.hrsa.gov/index.html
Learn more on our Environmental Health page.