HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including hepatitis C virus, can be easily spread from one partner to another.
HIV and other STDs can be passed in several ways, but most typically through:
While PHU2 strongly supports protected sex during sexual encounters and recommends that needles, syringes, straws, or other works are never shared, knowing your status for these diseases is important regardless. If you have STD symptoms, if someone you’ve had sex with has an STD, if you’ve engaged in unprotected sex, or shared needles or syringes, you should get tested as soon as possible.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you test for HIV at least once a year if you participate in actions that can increase your chances of getting HIV. These include:
The CDC recommends that all Baby Boomers (born 1945–1965) get tested for hepatitis C. Many people do not know that they have Hepatitis C. The good news is that there is treatment that can help you if you are diagnosed but the only way you can know for sure that you have Hepatitis C is if you get tested.
Ways you can get hepatitis C include:
For more information visit (
PHU2 wants you to take the initiative and get tested. You can get tested for HIV, STDs, and hepatitis C at the Ocean County Health Department. Getting tested is a great way for you and your partners to stay safe and free of STDs. You can find HIV, STD, and hepatitis C counseling and testing times and locations at .
Know the facts. Get tested. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2018, from
1 in 30 Baby Boomers has Hepatitis C (Hep C), and most don’t even know it. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2018, from
Learn more on our Communicable Disease page.